
Structure and employees

The activities of Zebra AD are managed by a Board of Directors constituted of three members, one of which is appointed to be Executive Director. Zebra’s organizational structure includes:

– Marketing and Sales;
– Purchase and Logistics;
– Human Resources Management;
– Technical Maintenance;
– Financial & Accounting;
– Quality Control Assurance;
– Labor Safety; and
– Medical Care

The Production Division is comprised of three autonomous subdivisions defined according to the product manufactured, and the infrastructure. The three mixing lines fully cover our technological needs for rubber compounds. We have chemical and testing laboratories, steam generation plant, service and workshop where we can produce the necessary optional tools and equipment.
The promising results that we have achieved during the last decade and the certainty of the management for the future progress of the company are to a high extent due to the staff of Zebra AD. We have well trained and experienced professionals, as well as, high-educated young specialists. They will build and implement hand-in-hand the Company’s policy. The existing system for motivation and stimulation of the employees at all ranks is a precondition for their participation in the Company’s live and activities.

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